Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Aris Affairs Photography, your local Prescott family photographer, talks about the importance of family portraits

Aris Affairs Photography, your local family photographer in Prescott, can create a family portrait that you will treasure forever.Aris Affairs Photography, your local Prescott family photographer, embraces the idea that professional family portraits are important to every family. There are a number of reasons we feel this way, and we think you will agree. Professional portraits are one way to create a great family experience for you!
  • The number one reason we believe you should make time for family pictures is that you really see the value of them after you have simply have forgotten to have them. When a family member moves to another area or if there is a death in the family, you think: “I wish we would have had some family portraits done!” We’ve heard numerous stories of families who look through the photos they do have and wish they had more memories in family portraits. Your parents will not be here forever. Your children will grow up. Life is short. Capture the memories now. They will become family heirlooms.
  • Creating family portraits is actually fun! Many clients have given us feedback, telling us how much they enjoyed the photo session experience. They have described it as a time during which their family has bonded. Families don’t always make enough time for fun family experiences: this can be one.
  • Family portraits will boost the self-esteem of your children! This has been proven by psychologists. It is psychologically healthy for your children to physically see your family as a cohesive unit. They then view themselves represented as a valued member of that unit. Your children grow up knowing that they belong and are loved.
  • Family portraits as wall art make your house a home. And while mass-marketed art pieces are available in many retail outlets, there are no better subjects to place over your mantel or in the dining room than your family. There is no better feeling than hanging up a beautiful picture of the people you love and value most in this world.

Aris Affairs Photography, your local Prescott family photographer, believes that professional family portraits are important for your family. To schedule a family photo shoot, call us today at 928-642-4049. Learn more about us and see our gallery of photos at

Portrait Photography in Prescott
Prescott Professional Photographer
Helpful Photography Articles

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Prescott family photographer, Aris Affairs Photography, gives tips for capturing a great family photo

Choose Aris Affairs Photography for your professional family portrait in Prescott
In this digital age we often have hundreds of photos on our phones, but none are the quality of a professional family portrait. If you're planning a family portrait session, then consider these simple tips for capturing great family photos from the pros at your Prescott family photographer, Aris Affairs Photography.

Consider the weather

If you're planning on an outdoor shoot, consider the weather. August in Prescott is hot and humid and also beautiful.  So plan your portrait for very early in the morning or near sunset to capture the beauty and, most importantly, to keep everyone comfortable.

Bring The Right Clothing

Dress for the scene you want to create. Are you thinking of gathering at the lake?  Or do you have another fun scene in mind? Dressing for themes including holidays can be a lot of fun. Even if you opt for a more traditional pose, make sure to have an extra change of clothes, especially for the little ones.

Prepare The Children
The time invested in preparing the kids will pay off in a great shot. Make sure they're well rested and come with full tummies. Take time between shots to let the kids have a break and run around before you ask them them to sit still again. Frequently, the best pictures of kids happen in the first 20 to 30 minutes of a shoot.

Keep Them Occupied

You want to keep the kids engaged but not too much. If they get too excited you may find it difficult to calm them down when you're ready to have your portrait taken. Bringing along a favorite toy is always a good idea. And this is one occasion where having a little treat or bribe on hand is encouraged.

Move Around
Don't make every shot the same. Switch places. Dad and mom can alternate which child they're standing next to or holding. Siblings can trade places. And don't forget the candid shots. Sometimes they are the best, most fun and most memorable.

Your local Prescott family photographer, Aris Affairs Photography, can freeze time and capture your precious family memories in pictures. To schedule a photo shoot, call us today at 928-642-4049. Learn more about us and see our gallery of photos at

Prescott Professional Photographer
Portrait Photography in Prescott
Helpful Photography Articles

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Aris Affairs Photography, your local Prescott portrait photographer, suggests unique ideas for senior photos

Aris Affairs Photography has unique ideas for senior portraits for Prescott high school seniors.
Transitioning from high school to adulthood is a huge step. It is so important to capture the memories of graduation year. Aris Affairs Photography, your local Prescott portrait photographer, suggests unique ideas for senior photos.

Now it’s time to celebrate as one chapter of life ends for your child - who is now a young adult - and a new, exciting chapter begins. Whether a bookworm, an athlete or just your all-around great person, Aris Affairs Photography has ideas to inspire your photo shoot.

Creative graduation photo ideas for girls:
  • Go to the swing set at your local playground. There is no sweeter memory for parents than remembering pushing their little girl on a swing.
  • Have her pose in front of the school with an “I’m done” sign to commemorate her graduation.
  • If she is an athlete, get a shot of a high heel on one foot and a cleat on the other.
  • If she’s been involved in several sports, lay out all her jerseys and sports equipment and get some shots of her posing with them.

Creative graduation photo ideas for guys:
  • Posing with a vintage vehicle creates great pictures - or with his own car or truck
  • Using a unique background - A stone wall is eye-catching - brick or barnwood look great, too.
  • If a letterman, getting a shot in the letterman jacket is a must - It will really pop out against one of the backgrounds previously mentioned.
  • If he’s a musician, don’t forget a shot with his instrument
  • If you live in the country or a small town, get a picture by the railroad tracks

Capturing the memories of graduation year is fun and will catch those precious moments in time forever. Aris Affairs Photography, your local Prescott portrait photographer, will help you with creative ideas for memorable senior photos. Schedule an appointment today by calling 928-642-4049. Learn more about us and view our gallery at

Family Photography in Prescott
Prescott Professional Photography
Helpful Photography Articles

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Aris Affairs Photography talks about why you need a professional headshot for your Prescott business

Aris Affairs Photography wants your Prescott business to capture more attention with a professional headshot.
Headshots are in and Aris Affairs Photography can help your Prescott business establish that all important first impression. While Hollywood stars and glamorous models can pose all day long, most of the rest of us dread it. It's the thing nightmares are made of unless you're in the hands of a qualified professional like Aris Affairs Photography.

People want to put a face with a name. Professionals such as real estate agents and financial brokers have known this truth for a long time. Media today is far more than just lines of text. Businesses need a digital identity, a calling card. Have you seen profiles with no picture? People skim right past them. But today’s social media rich environment means that almost everyone you know is part of one social media site or another, sites like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook among the forerunners.

Is your favorite pic the selfie from your summer vacation at the beach or your last birthday bash? Those pics are great fun and may be perfect for Facebook, but the wrong photos can undermine your efforts to market yourself and your business. Most of us need a professional coach to set the right lighting, recommend appropriate attire, the right hairstyle, frame the right pose, angles and expression. We can help you convey what you want that first impression photo to say to your potential customers.

Swap those casual or dated pics for quality, current headshots from your professional photographer in Prescott, Aris Affairs Photography. Schedule an appointment for your headshot today by calling 928-642-4049 or learn more at

Prescott Professional Photographer
Family Photography in Prescott
Helpful Photography Articles