Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Aris Affairs Photography, Prescott family photographer, shares tips on photographing newborns with their siblings

Aris Affairs Photography, family photographer in Prescott, can capture your growing family with newborn/sibling photos.Photographing your newborn baby with their brand new big brother(s) or sister(s) for a photoshoot may come with a few challenges. Aris Affairs Photography offers some tips that can really help make your Prescott photo shoot enjoyable for everyone.

A key factor in getting siblings to cooperate in your newborn/sibling session is to give them choices. Since beautiful, natural and non-posed images are often the most treasured, siblings who feel forced to do anything may respond by doing the exact opposite of what you want them to do.
Most siblings are more cooperative at the beginning of the shoot, so that's a great time to get their shots done. By photographing them first, you may be circumventing any jealousy issues over the new baby.


If a sibling isn't quite up for it, it's okay to let them go into another area and come back when they're ready. In the meantime, your photographer can take pictures of the other siblings, your newborn and even mom and dad. You might find that the attention given to the other siblings will draw the reluctant one back to the action. Pressuring a child to return might get them back but their resentment may very well find its way into your pictures, which no one wants. Having a conversation with them prior to the shoot and showing them how much it means to you to include them can go a long way toward preparing them for the event.

Don’t forget safety

Here are a few ways to keep everyone safe:

  • With mom and dad on the sofa or bed, they can remain out of frame and still watch out for the baby’s safety.
  • Include mom and dad in the pictures with the younger siblings and toddlers.
  • Take advantage of the older, stronger siblings who can safely hold the baby while mom and dad are watching out for the toddlers.
  • Swaddle the baby for extra protection and make him or her a little easier to hold.
  • Include pillows to pose your baby while the rest of the siblings gather themselves around him or her.

That’s it! A little preparation, a little safety, a newborn, some siblings and mom and dad - and beautiful photos at the end of it all! Are you ready to book a newborn/sibling session? Call Prescott family photographer, Aris Affairs Photography today to schedule your appointment at 928-642-4049. Visit us online at for more information and to view our gallery.

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